- Bartolomé J. Serra Cifre (Director)
Tel.: 971 173128
Contact - Antonio Sola Venteo
Tel.: 971 172895
Contact - Catalina Garí Fiol ("Programa SOIB JOVE - QUALIFICATS", 2019-2020 contract)
Tel.: 971 172471 - Daniel Mañogil González (Contract through the Youth Employment Operational Program)
Tel.: 971 173209
- Aina Serra Erice (External consultant)
- Daniel Christian Wahl (External consultant)
- Jaume Fiol Vidal
Innovation teams (ETis)
Temporary multidisciplinary teams are created to work SmartUIB specific projects. So far the following were created:
- ETi "Ca ses Llúcies"
- Tasks: Participation in the tasks relating to the project Ca ses Llúcies following:
- Preparation of technical specifications document and the economic assessment that served as the basis to launch administrative procedures
- Technical Monitoring Project
- Members: In addition SmartUIB personnel, consists of the following members:
- Juan Muñoz Gomila (Architectural Constructions)
- Andreu Moià Pol (Mechanical Engineering)
- Javier Gulías León (Crop Production)
- Jaume Segura Fuster (Electronic technology)
- Miquel Coll Crespí (Servei de Patrimoni, Contractació, Infraestructura i Unitat Tècnica)
- Tasks: Participation in the tasks relating to the project Ca ses Llúcies following:
- ETi of energy efficiency and renewable energy at the UIB
- Task: Participation in identifying and defining possible actions with the aim of improving energy efficiency and renewable energy production on the premises of the university
- Members: In addition SmartUIB personnel, consists of the following members:
- Andreu Moià Pol (Mechanical Engineering)
- Jaume Segura Fuster (Electronic technology)
- Miquel Coll Crespí (Servei de Patrimoni, Contractació, Infraestructura i Unitat Tècnica)
- Miguel Roca Adrover (Electronic technology)
Monitoring Commission
The basic functions of the committee are:
- Evaluating the results of the projects undertaken in the framework of the SmartUIB.
- Inform and advise the Board of Directors in the various areas (investment, planning studies, policy research, innovation and transfer) so that it can take appropriate decisions to achieve the objectives of the project.
The members of the committee are as follows:
a) Jordi Llabrés Bordoy, president.
b) Xavier Varona Gómez, deputy president.
c) Antoni Aguiló Pons.
d) Bartomeu J. Serra Cifre.
e) Bartomeu Alorda Ladaria.
f) Joan Muñoz Gomila.
g) Maria Isabel Barceló Villanueva.
h) Antonio Sola Venteo.